Diablo: Book of Cain

Par Entertainment, Blizzard

$45.95 ISBN: 9781956916430

Since the dawn of time, the Eternal Conflict has raged between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells. Delve into this trove of lost knowledge, where renowned scholar Deckard Cain has combined excerpts, illustrations, and firsthand knowledge to pen a history of the world of Sanctuary.

His writings depict the insidious Prime Evils, shed light on Tyrael and the archangels of the Angiris Council, and illuminate humanity’s hope and enduring heroism in the face of overwhelming terror. Revealed also are untold mysteries, from the origins of mortals and the secrets of the nephalem to the gathering darkness of the End of Days.

So take heed, dear reader, and bear witness to the truths that lie within the dark world of Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo®.


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